About us
We are the Mental Health and Learning Disability NHS Trust for County Durham and Darlington, Teesside, North Yorkshire, York and Selby.

Welcome to TEWV
At Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust (TEWV) we provide a range of inpatient and community mental health, learning disability and autism services.
We serve a population of over two million people across County Durham, Darlington, North Yorkshire and York, and are geographically one of the largest NHS Foundation Trusts in England. We also provide mental health care in prisons located in the North East and Cumbria.
We have been through a significant period learning, and change over the last four years, with real humility and contrition. We have enhanced the profile of clinical leaders, developed a ground breaking approach to co-creation, reset our governance arrangements and had an unrelenting focus on quality and safety,
We now need an individual to lead the organisation who is able to build on our evidenced improvement and help us have an unrelenting focus on unwarranted variation, alongside constant improvement and innovation; someone who can balance strategic leadership and genuine transformation of services with our partners, whilst also ensuring that we further enhance the day to day rigour of governance and management habits which ensure we continue to be safe and effective.
This role therefore offers an extraordinary opportunity – you can shape the future of an organisation with over 55,000 patient contacts a year, an anchor institution for the areas we serve, and one where co-creation is at the heart of our approach.
We are seeking a CEO who will live our Trust values in everything they do, especially when things get difficult; someone who sees the purpose of this role being for the benefit of our communities, the people who use our services now and in the future, their families and carers, and our colleagues. We want someone visible, approachable and committed to everyone in this organisation.
You will need humility, composure and compassion in dealing with challenging and highly emotive situations, sometimes in a public arena. It requires significant resilience and an ability to work with – and draw on – executives and partner colleagues. You will face significant public scrutiny.
Who you are as a person, therefore, matters to us and our communities.
More about us in facts and figures
We are also a catchment area for the largest concentration of armed forces personnel in the UK – Catterick Garrison – and our adult secure (forensic) wards serve the whole of the North East and North Cumbria.
TEWV was created in April 2006, following the merger of County Durham and Darlington Priority Services NHS Trust and Tees and North East Yorkshire NHS Trust. In 2008 our Trust became the first mental health Foundation Trust in the North and, since then, it has expanded both geographically, and in the number and type of services provided. Our Trust now has around 8,100 staff, who work out of more than 90 sites, and an annual income of over £500 million.
From education and prevention to crisis and specialist care – our talented and compassionate teams work in partnership with patients, communities and partners to help the people of our region feel safe, understood, believed in and cared for. We nurture the recovery journey of people in our care.
Patients, families and carers have a say in how they are supported and treated, because we know how important it is to listen and treat people as individuals. Our patients, their families and carers work together with us towards better mental health.
Our values
- Respect – listening, inclusive, working in partnership
- Compassion – kind, supporting, recognising and celebrating
- Responsibility – honest, learning, ambitious

Star awards
The shortlisted nominations for the Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust’s Star Awards 2024.
Equality and Diveristy
The Trust believes in making every effort to be a fair and unbiased organisation.
Further to this, the Trust aspires to be an organisation that embraces and values people, recognising the benefits that diversity brings to the Trust both as an employer and in the delivery of services.
Negative behaviour can have a direct impact on patient experience. A lack of compassion, poor attitude or bullying is a destructive element within any team or organisation where it exists. It also contributes significantly to workplace stress.
As a public body within the NHS the Trust expects a continuous and exemplary commitment from all staff regardless of pay grade or position, taking a proactive approach to equality, diversity, human rights and the care quality commission’s essential standards of quality and safety.
As an employer the Trust is developing an organisational culture in which diversity is valued and staff are able to promote equality and challenge unlawful harassment, discrimination and bullying.
We do this to ensure that staff, service users and their carers receive fair and equal treatment throughout their employment or their care.
Working with us
We’re committed to co-creating a great experience for our colleagues – find out more about this and why you should come and work for us.